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A Brief History...

Somewhere, somehow, it was always going to lead back to music for me!

After a few years of trying to work out what I wanted to do, I decided at the delicate age of 10 that I was going to teach myself keyboard. This led to much more formal piano lessons by the time I was 11 and soon enough I was taking my grades.

Music certainly proved to be a passion I would follow, as I took Music for GCSE and even Music Technology for A Level, before taking a long break from academic qualifications to focus my efforts on developing my skills and catalogue of composition - something that remains very close to my heart in music.

In 2014, I jumped back into formal piano training and passed my grade 8, and in 2022 after a few years of uncertainty, I realised that music was, in fact, my true calling, and now here I am.

Patient. Friendly. Reliable. Everything you need from your accompanist, tutor or events pianist.

Find out more about all the services I offer here!

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